Friday, June 1, 2012

Stop Blaming The Fu@%ing President

     This election year, as we watch the candidates through countless debates, forums, speeches and cynical commercial spots, remember one thing: no one man can change the future of America.  For all of you who look at a president as the definitive say in the direction of our country, you are extremely misguided.  I grew up in the days of Reagan and the Iran-Contra scandal, the first Bush and the idiocy of the initial Iraq invasion, Clinton getting sexual favors from interns, all the way to now with Obama and a deficit of over 16trillion dollars.  It is great to have a charismatic leader of the greatest country in the world but you would be hard-pressed to look back and find a president that everyone could agree upon and back, not named Kennedy.
     Understand that presidents such as Kennedy could never survive in this form of democracy.  He would have become too big for the House or the Senate to handle and sway towards their greedy swindling.  Do not be fooled that we have had any president since Kennedy that was nothing more than a puppet for all of the other politicians we have elected.  And that right there is the key to this and all future elections for the American public.  We elect our leaders.  We choose who makes the laws and who sets the standards that we live by each and every day.  We elected the senators and congressmen that have been incumbents for decades and have not earned anything but notoriety for poor decisions.  Yet the public insists on re-electing these individuals that do not allow a president to make change.
     It is not any one presidents fault, GOP or Democrat, that this country has been facing a depression amidst a deficit that keeps growing.  It is not any one presidents fault that our education is listed around 23rd in the world or that the tax laws have more holes than a box of fruit loops.  I stand by my belief that it is the responsibility of all citizens that want change to finally go to the polls and make that very change.  Don't bother starting with the president though.  Start with the very criminals that have been backing laws and fillibusting for personal gain.  Continue with the sheisters that take bribes doubling as donations.  Then conclude with the incumbents that have their constituents hoodwinked into believing that their way is best for your state and country.
     The only way this great country will make a rebound in a positive direction is to hold all politicians to a higher standard as well as a short term.  Vote out all incumbents and let the newcomers understand that if they do not support their constituents, then their term will be a one and done.  Do not allow Congressmen and Senators to become so comfortable as to lose touch with the everday american and his/her dream of hope and prosperity.  I use the hashtag #saddayforusa2012 on twitter because I truly believe that it has come to the point that we no longer have a possibility for change within our government until the people want it.  It truly is sad that republicans and democrats alike do not want to advance anything but their own agendas towards their own prosperity, damn the public.
     Kennedy was the last great president, although I'm sure many will inevitably argue that fact.  We all saw what happened when even the possibility of a larger than life president was in the making.  But one thing is for sure when going to the polls this year and any other election year; you can make a difference with your vote.  If the american public learns to vote from bottom to top instead of top to bottom, then we can all start promising a future for our children and beyond.  Otherwise, it will be just another sad day for the USA.

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