Wednesday, August 8, 2012

To My Loyal Readers...Change Is Good


 To all the readers out there who are looking for real political change and links to the truth about our politicians and their scheming ways, I ask that you continue your search for truth.  I have recently decided to change my blog address to: in order to utilize a better system of getting the pertinent information out to the citizens that are simply tired of the way our government is being run.
     Do not forget that it is imperative for us, a members of this country, to understand that WE have the power to make the change, not just the figures that are in their current roles.  This nation is built on promise and opportunity to build our individual wealth and prosper with freedoms not afforded other countries.  We need to take the vote back and rid ourselves of incumbents that are out of touch and do not necessarily vote for their constituents, but for personal gain.
     Many states have members of their House or Senate that have sat in the same seats for decades and are elected on name alone.  This is the year that we need to educate ourselves and make a difference.  Do not allow this to be a #saddayforusa2012.  Follow my new blog address and you can also get in touch with me on Twitter @CraigMoir1 for any information you may need to educate yourself for the upcoming election for your state.  Thank you all who have visited this blog and you will see that nothing has changed but the address and format. Hope to see you there and feel free to comment one way or the other on any topics that I cover.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Iowa...Do You Need a Change?

     Iowa has always been a crucial swing state for many political hopefuls.  In 2008, Barack Obama won its seven electoral votes because of steady campaigning and a heavier field organization than republican John McCain.  Also in 2008, you, as a state elected a democratic majority in your House of Representatives in order to give Obama the opportunity to thrive in the nations top seat.  What remains odd is how you also decided to re-elect incumbent GOP Charles Grassley to the Senate as well as republicans as Governor, Secretary of State and Auditor.
     In 2012, Iowa will be counted on to serve another crucial role in not only the Presidential election, but again in Congress and other lower level avenues.  Stay on the path, Iowa.  Change can not and will not happen in only four years, not after the eight year mess that our POTUS inherited.  Do not be fooled by the rhetoric, lies and innuendo that the GOP is mudslinging in various forums.  Seek the truth about all candidates involved and that path will be clearly shown to you and everyone in this country.  The first step is to register to vote and then to educate yourself so that your vote will make a difference.  This is not an appeal to only vote one way or the other.  This is a fact sharing mission to uncover the lies and falsehoods that some would have you believe.
     To register to vote in your state, you can merely go to and scroll down to register to vote.  Once that is complete, the education begins in finding out what candidates are running in your district, how they have voted in the past and their platform and views that are important to them.  The question will remain on if those views, morals and ideas coincide with your own.  There are many sites that you can go to that will leave your head spinning as to who is saying what and if there is truth to any of it.  The one site you might want to check out is as it will check and re-check ant question you ask and give you a straight answer.  This is a non-profit site that has no affiliations with one party or the other.
     Any time that you have doubts about what you are reading, always look for solid links that will show you where the information came from.  You want to know about the healthcare bill and what republicans don't want you to know about it?  Well, you can visit the actual Healthcare Law here, or you can find an easier to read version with citations that explains it all here.  You see, there is so much information in this world of technology it is very easy to just go with what you hear and not bother checking.  Did you know that Mitt Romney actually gave a PowerPoint Presentation on this very same healthcare law back in 2006?  That info was probably omitted while he has been busy trying to repeal the law republicans dub "ObamaCare."
     Your state motto,"Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain", is a clear indication that you will fight for all that is good and right for our democracy as a whole, both in state and country.  How far will you go to save your liberties and rights.  Will you take the time to vote wisely and not allow our country to be diminished by liars and thieves in our government?  Now is not the time for a republican POTUS that has only the ideals of the rich in their hearts and minds.  Be careful as you go to the polls and realize that under very little help, Barack Obama actually has done some good for this country.  You can view his list of Accomplishments since entering office, with citations of course.  Taxes under Obama right now are at a 30 year low and you might not be aware that even during Reagan's presidency unemployment was at 8.5%.
     So everything that you hear about Obama may just be Romney's smear campaign that he will never be able to back up with any proof.  Go seek the truth and find out for yourself before you vote.  This country needs your help and your vote to not allow another disgraceful man to be elected to the most powerful post in the world.  Do not allow this to be a #saddayforusa2012 as we enter the final leg towards November 6th. Register and vote with confidence for yourself, your neighbor and your country.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Indiana...Do You Need a Change?

     Indiana is a state that offers eleven electoral votes in the presidential election and could be a pivotal state in the future of America.  Your motto, Crossroads of America is a reference to your great city of Indianapolis and its highway hub that connects you to all directions of the U.S. but can also be used as an anecdote for the country in 2012.  We are clearly at a crossroads and where do we turn as a state or country in order to climb out of the dismal position that our leaders have left us?  The first thing we can do is stop complaining and take charge once again and not allow our representatives to continue this regression of values our country has faced over the past thirty or so years.
     In 2008, voters in the state of Indiana barely gave Barack Obama the nod as POTUS with an underwhelming 49.9% of votes compared to GOP John McCain who received 49.0%.  That close margin, however, may not have shown the complete picture as you voted overwhelmingly for a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives.  Then 2010 came around and possibly you were disgusted with the way this country was being run based on propaganda and innuendo from opposing politicians and you turned your house around, just like Illinois, to a Republican majority.  You voted GOP in almost all elections, which inevitably gave Obama very little support in government.  Why the sudden change, Indiana?  Do you know the truth about what Obama has been doing for this country, against all odds?
     Why don't you take the time and read about our POTUS's achievements since gaining office in 2008, with citations of course.  Have you taken the time to research Mitt Romney's political agenda and misconceptions about the role of government and his personal finances?  Do you care enough to be an informed voter in 2012 and help change the direction of government?  You can visit this link if you are still unsure about the ACA(ObamaCare) and what the law actually states paragraph by paragraph in its simplest terms.  Without the truthful knowledge, it is very easy to be misguided as to who will be the better leader for the next four years.  I am in the mindset that if you vote from the bottom up, we can be a much better country as a whole.  By taking part in your local and state elections as well as federal, you are fully taking charge of the full picture, from education to taxes and everything in between.
     It is very easy to elect a POTUS and believe that the rest will jut fall into place.  It is not that easy, however, as there are many incumbents in many states that are elected on name recognition alone and not how they represent you, their constituent.  Help change our direction by going to and clicking on the about section to register to vote and let your voice be heard.  Taxes right now are at a 30yr low and unemployment is no different than when Ronald Reagan was POTUS.  We need to support our growth with a president that has morals and values, instead of one that refuses to show his tax documents and denies a healthcare law that he, himself, presented a PowerPoint presentation on in 2006.  Where does it end?  When do the voters take back the government?
     I would hope that day would be on Nov. 6, 2012.  All seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are up for re-election and of course the highest seat in the land will need to be secured.  Do not allow this to be a #saddayforusa2012 by not making your vote count.  There are many ways to get the facts on all candidates and time is running out.  A good site to visit is for all truths from all sides of the spectrum.  It is up to you to decide, but with all the mudslinging and untruths that are surfacing we need all the facts we can get.  This election promises to be the most important in a long while and can be devastating to the country if the voters are uninformed.  This country can not afford to stay at the crossroads any longer.  The path is clear, but will our leaders choose what is best?  That is up to us.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Illinois...Do You Need a Change?

     Illinois has been a solidly democratic state for quite some time.  In 2008, Barack Obama won the state by a landslide 61.8% of the votes and gained the 21 electoral votes the state had to offer.  In essence, democrats across the board in their house and senate, won by overwhelming victories.  So what exactly happened in 2010, Illinois?  Why at the time when change began to happen after trying to clean up years of a GOP mess that was George Bush, did you decide to change your house to give the majority to the republicans?
     Did you feel as if our POTUS was not getting the job done quick enough or that the republicans you elected would better serve you, as a state?  Think twice this election in 2012, Illinois.  Think hard and educate yourself because you have a very important say in how the next four years will be handled from our top leader.  By leaving Barack Obama with very little support, this country will never be able to fully change. You need to research and weed out the lies and propaganda and make your vote count this tear more than ever.
     Obama may not be the best POTUS we have ever had, and his sound bites are very easy to misinterpret, but there is a lot of truth in what the man says, while others bite their tongue.  We, as a country, have an opportunity to continue with a president that tells it like it is and does not hold any punches.  This country needs truth and values infused into the system and Obama is our only chance at that progression.  Of course you may or may not agree with the ACA(ObamaCare), but have you actually taken the time to break it down and know what the bill truthfully enacts?  Here is a quick and easy reference guide to understand the law on a level that is easy to understand: ObamaCare.  There are many ways for us to check and double check all information given on the campaign trail from both parties, but if we choose to just listen to the soundbites, we will never be privy to the truth.
     Do you understand that all seats in the US House of Representatives are up for re-election again this year, and if you decide to vote for Obama, it might be in your best interest to give him support in Congress and the Senate?  Will you vote again to keep your GOP led house and shun any chance of change in this country?  Here is an opportunity for you to see the accomplishments of our POTUS throughout his first four years: Barack Obama .  Please take a few minutes and see what a president can do, even without much support for the past two years.  Of course all entries will have citations and references to check the facts.  If you still have doubts there is a website called that you can go to and inquire about any articles you want to check for accuracy.
     There are ways Illinois to take our government back from the liars and thieves that call themselves your leaders and unfortunately at this time in our country's existence, the GOP has not been forthright with their intentions.  How can anyone trust an individual such as Mitt Romney that will not even present his tax records to the public as all other candidates have done.  What is Romney hiding and what are his true intentions?  No longer should we give much stock to meaningless advertisements that skew the truth and propaganda that endorses liars.  Together we can take our country back by the vote.  Register today if you have not done so already at and scroll down to the quick links to find the forms needed.
     Taxes, believe or or not are at a 30yr low with Obama as our POTUS, and do not forget that even with popular POTUS Ronald Reagan, unemployment was steady at 8.5%.  Do not let this become a #saddayforusa2012 by believing everything you hear until you check the facts completely.  Such as the fact that Romney is calling for repeal of a law(ACA) that he, himself prepared a PowerPoint presentation on in 2006. Whether Bain Capital information, or the ACA, or taxes, there is nowhere for Mitt Romney to hide from the facts.  Why would the American public fall victim to these untruths and pure lies.  Decide for yourself, Illinois, but prepare yourself for a long four years of instability if you do not choose wisely.  Help yourself, your neighbor and your country by taking this election seriously and voting with confidence.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Idaho...Do You Need a Change?

     In the great state of Idaho, there is a motto that remains, Esto Perpetua , which means, "Let it be perpetual." This motto can clearly be a claim used for our nation as well.  However, in these desperate times, constant friction among our elected officials are diminishing our country's opportunity to endure and live on.  It is within this friction that our leaders have forgotten what is important for us as a whole, instead of as individuals.
   All citizens want their right to individuality and for the government to not interfere in their everyday lives.  This is not the reality though, as government officials from the local, state and federal levels feel that they know what is best for you, their constituent.  Do you know who your district representatives are and how they vote for or against you?  Do you understand that your congressmen and senators vote for their affiliated party and not necessarily in your favor?
   When was the last time that you researched your elected officials and their voting records?  Now is that time, Idaho.  Clearly, the path of this country has hit that proverbial fork in the road that leaves us all guessing as to the motives of all officials on all levels.  The only way to take back our nation is to educate ourselves, register to vote and make that vote count.  Your First District Congressman Raul Labrador on July 11th stated that "Idahoans oppose every aspect of ObamaCare."  Is this true, Idaho?  And if so, have you actually taken the time to read the entire bill? The following is a link with citations that you might not have known about the act and what it actually does if you care to find the truth that your congressman may not be telling you. What is ObamaCare and What Did It Change?   
     What else is your elected officials not telling you?  Did you know that Mitt Romney actually gave a powerpoint presentation on this very bill back in 2006?  You can find this link here: Romney Powerpoint. You see, Idaho, that with this world of technology, nothing can be left uncovered and there are ways to check facts or fallacies from both sides.  One good place to look is  for any information or questions you may want to ask that you can not get an answer for from the GOP or Democrats.  This election year may very well be the most important in recent memory and it is up to you to not only vote, but vote with confidence.  This is not about GOP or Democrat anymore.  This is about taking our country back from the liars and thieves that hold personal agendas and pass it off as the will of the people.
    Talk for yourselves now, Idaho.  Learn the truth from the lies and do not let your officials take your vote and use it for other intentions.  The only way to stop this from being a #saddayforusa2012 is to become smarter than the out of touch politicians that refuse to work together to take a bill like the ACA and change it for the better rather than dismantling it because their name was not on it.  Go to your  voting registration site to give your vote a voice and then educate yourself or change will never happen for us or our children.  This country needs change and we need it now.  Help yourself and your neighbor by your vote for all levels of your state and federal government.                                                                                                                                                                         

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hawaii...Do You Need a Change?

  Hawaii is made up of a small group of islands that have only 2 congressional districts.  It is the birthplace of incumbent President Barack Obama and most likely will send their four electoral votes his way again in 2012.  But is that the best answer for your home state?  Is Obama a man of his word, or the lame duck POTUS that will only be fought by opposing parties with nothing getting accomplished for four more years?
     Whether it is Obama for a second term or Mitt Romney for an initial run at leading our country, we must decide who will be backing that man up in the Senate and the House of Representatives.  No POTUS can run this land by himself with the checks and balances in place.  Do you know who your Senators and Congressmen are in your state and how they vote for or against you?  Have you taken the time to do the research on those that will become your elected officials?  Quick refernces and information are at your fingertips.  You can always go to in order to register to vote, research your representatives and educate yourself on how they use their electoral votes.  We, the people must take this opportunity to take back the government by voting wisely and understanding who we are voting into office.
     Without this knowledge, all that is left is the mudslinging, lies and misunderstanding that is thrown about in the world of social media.  We need to weed out the lies and decide for ourselves what exactly is the truth.  A good way to do this would be to visit and learn what the truth really may be.  It is okay to want to vote GOP or Democrat as an affiliation, but is that candidate truly the best decision for what your state and this country really needs?  Through education as a nation, we may actually be able to reign in our elected officials and let them understand that we want and will force change through the vote.
     Your state motto is Ua mau ke ea o kaina i ke pono. which means "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness."  Do you actually live by that motto?  Do you believe that any of our elected officials live by that and have the best interest in heart for all of their constituents?  Well now is the time to test that theory and vote for the righteous of the group.  But the only way to find the truth about the candidates is to actually do the research.  Certain information that you will be exposed to will most undoubtedly be false and misleading.  If you see sites that are not cited and can be referenced, then most likely they will be false.
     Look for organizations such as fact check that are not backed or affiliated with any of the parties and will give a fair and factual account about the questions that you may ask.  If you want to read the actual healthcare law and see for yourself the facts, you can always visit  and decide for yourself if the law is as bad as Romney is trying to make it.  Then you can go to the Romney Powerpoint on Healthcare  and see that he, himself was a strong proponent of the same healthcare.  You can also read some of my other blogs that cite other articles and fact checked statistics and truths about the candidates.
     One thing is for certain though.  If you do not take the time to weed out the lies, then your vote will not mean a thing.  Do not allow this to be a #saddayforusa2012 with an election of uneducated voters with so much truth and information to be had. Register and vote, Hawaii.  But use your vote wisely because this could be a very long four years if you do not.  Your country needs you now, just as it needs all states to stand up for economic growth and stability and the only ones who can make that change are us, the people of this great nation.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Georgia...Do You Need a Change?

     Georgia residents, are you ready for the upcoming election in November?  Do you realize that all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are open for re-election? Do you also understand that 13 of those representatives come from the peach state?  This year will be remembered for so much backlash and mudslinging about which party is telling the public the truth and which one is merely trying to bewitch the voters by double-talk and unfounded lies.
     This is not a plea to vote one way or the other, GOP or Democrat.  This is simply a call for educational voting so this country can weed out the politicians that do not have the best interest of this country at heart.  You will be plastered with news, both right and wrong about our healthcare system that was put into place by all three branches of government and the thirty-three attempts by republicans to repeal the ACA bill.  You will learn of the hiding of personal finances and taxes by Mitt Romney along with the lack of production of Barack Obama as President.  It is now time to weed out the truth and the lies.  It is now time to take back the country as educated voters who not only know the name of their representative and Senator, but understand how they vote for you as a district and a state.
     It is easy to see the television ads and signs and hear the speeches from the presidential candidates.  Understand that neither major party is capable of doing their due diligence to the post without having those behind him or her to allow change.  Our system is built and will always remain on checks and balances.  No GOP or Democratic POTUS will ever be able to fulfill their duties with constant friction from the other party.  That is why the public must take the vote back and force these politicians to stop outsourcing jobs, fix our educational system and build the infrastructure of the American way.
     Do you realize that if you look at the world literacy rate according to the CIA World Factbook, the U.S. is ranked 28th behind countries such as Uzbekistan, Samoa and Latvia? Andorra is number 1 on the list with a 100% literacy rate.  Since the 1960's when the federal government got more involved with education, we have slowly declined, even though we pay one of, if not the highest per student rates in the world.  Our government is failing us as we move into an extremely important election year.  Go to your state website, and register to vote, but make it count.  By researching your district or state representatives, Senators and local officials, you will allow change to happen.  You will come across certain politicians that have been in office for 20 or 30 years because your state does not have term limits.
     How "in touch" with society could someone be that has held a public seat for 20 years and quite possibly has gotten elected on name recognition only for the past ten because the citizens have not bothered to vote in any election besides the presidential election.  We must take back our vote.  Do not allow your representatives to use their electoral votes on anyone you do not want in office.  It remains very easy to get caught up in not knowing the facts but there are always ways to find out.  Here are a couple of links for each candidate that must be seen and read by all.  Any one of these can be checked by going to and asking the question.
For facts on the candidates you need only to know where to look. Here are a few sites that you can visit:
Boston Globe-Mitt's Bain Mistake                                                                 Actual Healthcare Law
Taxes at a 30 year low                                                                                              Comparison Chart
Ponzi Scheme Clouds The Romneys                                                                   182 Accomplishments
The Truth About Healthcare                                                         Romney Powerpoint on Healthcare 

     There is only one way to alleviate this nation from the underhandedness of government and their personal agendas while in charge of the country.  Take the power of the vote in your own hand and ballot and cast wisely.  Do not let this be a #saddayforusa2012 Georgia.  Do not allow our elected officials to take advantage of us no more.  If you do not educate yourself then you should not vote and allow yourself to complain later.  There are many ways to fact check what you see and hear and without the leg work involved it is very easy to just believe somebody based on their political affiliation.  This is no longer about GOP or Democrats.  This is about US, as a nation to grow and solidify our infrastructure before we fall even further.  Help yourself, and your neighbor and register today!