Sunday, June 24, 2012

#saddayforusa2012...or can change happen?

     In the coming months, there are going to be many decisions made as to the direction this country needs to head in order to solve our many issues.  On the table are the usual debates as to healthcare, economy, jobs and taxes and americans will be hard pressed to actually find a solution within any presidential candidate.  In fact, if you look back over just the past fifty years, no matter who resides in the oval office, GOP or Democrat, all of our problems have never been solved.  You can never please every person that lives in our great is impossible.  But how do we go about making feasible changes that can allow the rich, middle, and poor classes get the most out of our politicians that "serve" their constituents?
     The answer can only lie in the education of voters to understand that while having a POTUS that is respectable, knowledgeable, hard-working, truthful and caring for the citizens, even the most powerful man in the world has checks and balances.  The POTUS needs to balance his ideals and political ambitions alongside other men and women that don't necessarily share the same direction that he wants to take the country.  Our POTUS, no matter what party he belongs to, simply needs help.  That is where the citizens, you and me, need to educate ourselves about the men and women who belong to our House of Representatives.  These 435 seats must be filled on November 6th. These 435 seats vote in all districts of every state, for you, the citizen of that district.  So many of these seats have been filled by the same representatives for two or more decades without reproach.
     These are the very same men and women who will tell you, the citizen, that they know what is best for your district and state as a whole.  These are the very same individuals that challenge most presidents and the changes they want to make, based on the premise that it is what you, the constituent want.  These representatives are out of touch and bow only to the wealthy and their donations(bribes).  Education is the only way to change the direction of this country.  If you are sick of how your state and country are run, there is only one way to change.  Register to vote and make that vote count.  Possibly the only way to start a change in this great country is to vote out ALL incumbents and start fresh with those men and women who are not out of touch with society.
     In the upcoming two months, I will be previewing all states and their representative elections and showing guides on what to look for and how to educate yourself for the most important election in recent history.  Not the presidential election itself, but the ballots that need to be cast in order for the president, be it Obama or Romney, to have a chance at making change for all people of the nation.  Just remember that your vote does count, if you use it wisely.  Do not let this be a #saddayforusa2012.  Help our country prosper instead of continuing this tailspin we have been in for nearly a decade.

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