Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Idaho...Do You Need a Change?

     In the great state of Idaho, there is a motto that remains, Esto Perpetua , which means, "Let it be perpetual." This motto can clearly be a claim used for our nation as well.  However, in these desperate times, constant friction among our elected officials are diminishing our country's opportunity to endure and live on.  It is within this friction that our leaders have forgotten what is important for us as a whole, instead of as individuals.
   All citizens want their right to individuality and for the government to not interfere in their everyday lives.  This is not the reality though, as government officials from the local, state and federal levels feel that they know what is best for you, their constituent.  Do you know who your district representatives are and how they vote for or against you?  Do you understand that your congressmen and senators vote for their affiliated party and not necessarily in your favor?
   When was the last time that you researched your elected officials and their voting records?  Now is that time, Idaho.  Clearly, the path of this country has hit that proverbial fork in the road that leaves us all guessing as to the motives of all officials on all levels.  The only way to take back our nation is to educate ourselves, register to vote and make that vote count.  Your First District Congressman Raul Labrador on July 11th stated that "Idahoans oppose every aspect of ObamaCare."  Is this true, Idaho?  And if so, have you actually taken the time to read the entire bill? The following is a link with citations that you might not have known about the act and what it actually does if you care to find the truth that your congressman may not be telling you. What is ObamaCare and What Did It Change?   
     What else is your elected officials not telling you?  Did you know that Mitt Romney actually gave a powerpoint presentation on this very bill back in 2006?  You can find this link here: Romney Powerpoint. You see, Idaho, that with this world of technology, nothing can be left uncovered and there are ways to check facts or fallacies from both sides.  One good place to look is FactCheck.org  for any information or questions you may want to ask that you can not get an answer for from the GOP or Democrats.  This election year may very well be the most important in recent memory and it is up to you to not only vote, but vote with confidence.  This is not about GOP or Democrat anymore.  This is about taking our country back from the liars and thieves that hold personal agendas and pass it off as the will of the people.
    Talk for yourselves now, Idaho.  Learn the truth from the lies and do not let your officials take your vote and use it for other intentions.  The only way to stop this from being a #saddayforusa2012 is to become smarter than the out of touch politicians that refuse to work together to take a bill like the ACA and change it for the better rather than dismantling it because their name was not on it.  Go to your Idaho.gov  voting registration site to give your vote a voice and then educate yourself or change will never happen for us or our children.  This country needs change and we need it now.  Help yourself and your neighbor by your vote for all levels of your state and federal government.                                                                                                                                                                         

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