Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Georgia...Do You Need a Change?

     Georgia residents, are you ready for the upcoming election in November?  Do you realize that all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are open for re-election? Do you also understand that 13 of those representatives come from the peach state?  This year will be remembered for so much backlash and mudslinging about which party is telling the public the truth and which one is merely trying to bewitch the voters by double-talk and unfounded lies.
     This is not a plea to vote one way or the other, GOP or Democrat.  This is simply a call for educational voting so this country can weed out the politicians that do not have the best interest of this country at heart.  You will be plastered with news, both right and wrong about our healthcare system that was put into place by all three branches of government and the thirty-three attempts by republicans to repeal the ACA bill.  You will learn of the hiding of personal finances and taxes by Mitt Romney along with the lack of production of Barack Obama as President.  It is now time to weed out the truth and the lies.  It is now time to take back the country as educated voters who not only know the name of their representative and Senator, but understand how they vote for you as a district and a state.
     It is easy to see the television ads and signs and hear the speeches from the presidential candidates.  Understand that neither major party is capable of doing their due diligence to the post without having those behind him or her to allow change.  Our system is built and will always remain on checks and balances.  No GOP or Democratic POTUS will ever be able to fulfill their duties with constant friction from the other party.  That is why the public must take the vote back and force these politicians to stop outsourcing jobs, fix our educational system and build the infrastructure of the American way.
     Do you realize that if you look at the world literacy rate according to the CIA World Factbook, the U.S. is ranked 28th behind countries such as Uzbekistan, Samoa and Latvia? Andorra is number 1 on the list with a 100% literacy rate.  Since the 1960's when the federal government got more involved with education, we have slowly declined, even though we pay one of, if not the highest per student rates in the world.  Our government is failing us as we move into an extremely important election year.  Go to your state website, and register to vote, but make it count.  By researching your district or state representatives, Senators and local officials, you will allow change to happen.  You will come across certain politicians that have been in office for 20 or 30 years because your state does not have term limits.
     How "in touch" with society could someone be that has held a public seat for 20 years and quite possibly has gotten elected on name recognition only for the past ten because the citizens have not bothered to vote in any election besides the presidential election.  We must take back our vote.  Do not allow your representatives to use their electoral votes on anyone you do not want in office.  It remains very easy to get caught up in not knowing the facts but there are always ways to find out.  Here are a couple of links for each candidate that must be seen and read by all.  Any one of these can be checked by going to and asking the question.
For facts on the candidates you need only to know where to look. Here are a few sites that you can visit:
Boston Globe-Mitt's Bain Mistake                                                                 Actual Healthcare Law
Taxes at a 30 year low                                                                                              Comparison Chart
Ponzi Scheme Clouds The Romneys                                                                   182 Accomplishments
The Truth About Healthcare                                                         Romney Powerpoint on Healthcare 

     There is only one way to alleviate this nation from the underhandedness of government and their personal agendas while in charge of the country.  Take the power of the vote in your own hand and ballot and cast wisely.  Do not let this be a #saddayforusa2012 Georgia.  Do not allow our elected officials to take advantage of us no more.  If you do not educate yourself then you should not vote and allow yourself to complain later.  There are many ways to fact check what you see and hear and without the leg work involved it is very easy to just believe somebody based on their political affiliation.  This is no longer about GOP or Democrats.  This is about US, as a nation to grow and solidify our infrastructure before we fall even further.  Help yourself, and your neighbor and register today!

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