Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Arizona 2012...Do You Need a Change?

     The House of Representatives elections for your great state of Arizona  is coming upon you very quickly.  This is the time of year that with the primaries coming up on August 28th and the elections close behind, many decisions must be made.  I applaud your voters for having a relatively new House of Representatives compared to the first two states I've researched.  No representative has been in office for more than seven years, and that is just a handful.  Most have only served one term and now is the time to look back at their voting past and decide if they have been doing the right thing by you, the constituents.
     You, as voters, decided to vote Republican across the board in the 2008 election in hopes of gaining an advantage to help your hopeful presidential candidate, John McCain.  Now another decision lies ahead.  Do you stay on your path of strictly republican voting and most likely lose with a candidate like Romney, or do you change your direction and put those in your House that will back the incumbent, Barack Obama.  Just know that no matter who is the POTUS, they need the support of the House and Senate in order to succeed.  Ditat Deus

PartyAs of June 2012
    Democratic Party19
    Republican Party40
is your state motto, meaning "God Enriches."  Take a good look at both the democratic and republican parties and you might just see that neither will succeed the way the citizens of this nation need them to in this time of recession, high unemployment rates and gluttonous deficit.  God at this time needs to enrich yourselves, the citizens of the great state of Arizona, as well as all citizens of this country with wisdom and faith that the right people will one day come along to right the wrongs of our past.
   Right now, all we can do is hope and pray that all politicians will one day work together and eliminate party stipulations that hinder our growth and progress.  You, as citizens can go to in order to view your representatives, their email addresses and other contact information and learn all that you can before casting your next vote.  Change is indeed needed in this country and only us, as voters can force that change.  Do not settle for the flawed promises of politicians and their political angles.  Hold your representatives accountable for your welfare and commit to replacing them if they are not up to your standards as individuals, lawmakers and leaders of your state and country.  Going to you can register to vote, and find out all there is to know about the upcoming primaries, elections and individuals involved.
  Please Arizona, register to vote, then take your vote seriously.  If this country keeps voting in the wrong individuals, then no POTUS, GOP or Democrat, will have a chance to put his platform into action and make a viable change for our sake.  Do not allow this to be a #saddayforusa2012.  Use the resources provided and research the ones that truly run the government, while the POTUS gets all the credit or blame. If as citizens, we vote from bottom to top, and get each state in better shape and fiscally responsible, then the top, the federal government will eventually fall in line.  It is no longer viable to only be concerned with the POTUS.  For so long, we have been a people that have voted from top to bottom and look at the mess we have created.  The time for change is now and we must start with ourselves and within our state in order to achieve a more fluent federal government that holds to its promise of for the people, by the people.

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