Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Alabama 2012...Do You Need a Change?

     After researching and looking at the numbers, I must say that even as a state as set in their ways as Alabama is, I was astounded by the results.  As we head into this election of 2012, we, as citizens, must realize that change will never come from the politicians themselves, but from the power of the people.  Our votes do have an impact on the direction of this country, contrary to popular belief.  By electing the same individuals, or different individuals with the same morals and principles as the last, we are merely repeating the definition of insanity.  We, as the people whom our politicians are supposed to  represent, need to take control back and let our elected officials be held accountable.
      Alabama is one of the good ole' boys of the south that takes great pride in who they are as a people.  The motto of your state says all that anyone needs to know about the state you call home.  Audemus jura nostra defendre clearly notes that "We Dare Defend Our Rights."  You live by this motto and forever will defend all that you hold dear.  Yet, for all that is within your borders, you remain a piece of the great American puzzle that needs your assistance.  The other residents of this amazing country need you to focus on this and all future elections for not only yourselves, but your neighbors and your countrymen.
     Do the great citizens of Alabama understand that this country as a whole needs change?  Do the great citizens of this state realize that it may not be left to the doings of the current POTUS, or the next, to shape and mold our country into the nation that we need to be?  Have you noticed that currently there are 49 out of your 105 representatives that have resided within your House for a decade or more?  20 of those House representatives have been in office for over two decades, while 10 of them have been voting on your behalf for more than 3 decades.  In order to change this nation and offer a chance to our next POTUS, being Obama or Romney, don't you think that the lawmakers and representatives that supposedly work for you are doing their job.  The Alabama state House of Representatives needs to be looked at by you, the people and questions need to be asked.
     Do your elected officials actually vote in your district the way that you, the citizen want them to vote?  Do these elected officials share the same moral and ethical values that you teach in your own home.  Are the incumbents in office running unopposed for various reasons(I will leave those reasons to your own devices)?  Have you, as voters, taken the time to research the representatives that are on the ballot, or are you voting on  name recognition alone?  Please Alabama, for your sake and the country as a whole, take the time to go to http://www.alabama.gov/portal/index.jsp and just take a few minutes to research your representatives.
    Through this site you can find out all information needed about your government, the upcoming elections, and your representatives in each district.  To register to vote you can just click this link http://www.alabama.gov/portal/secondary.jsp?id=votingElections and choose the register to vote option.  Remember, your vote does count and by allowing the same individuals to keep their seat in your house, you are not giving the POTUS the help needed to run this country effectively.  Help by voting out the incumbents that have been a burden on our society and allow the ones that are "in touch" with the people have an opportunity to work for you.  It may take an election or two, but by holding your lawmakers and representatives responsible, our government in not only our states will become more effective, but in the country as a whole.  Give our fine nation a chance to breathe again and do not let this just be another #saddayforusa2012.
PartyAs of June 2012
    Democratic Party40
    Republican Party65

     A full list of all representatives, their district, and even a phone number to reach them is shown here: http://www.alabama.gov/sliverheader/Welcome.do?url=http://www.legislature.state.al.us/house/house.html

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