Wednesday, August 8, 2012

To My Loyal Readers...Change Is Good


 To all the readers out there who are looking for real political change and links to the truth about our politicians and their scheming ways, I ask that you continue your search for truth.  I have recently decided to change my blog address to: in order to utilize a better system of getting the pertinent information out to the citizens that are simply tired of the way our government is being run.
     Do not forget that it is imperative for us, a members of this country, to understand that WE have the power to make the change, not just the figures that are in their current roles.  This nation is built on promise and opportunity to build our individual wealth and prosper with freedoms not afforded other countries.  We need to take the vote back and rid ourselves of incumbents that are out of touch and do not necessarily vote for their constituents, but for personal gain.
     Many states have members of their House or Senate that have sat in the same seats for decades and are elected on name alone.  This is the year that we need to educate ourselves and make a difference.  Do not allow this to be a #saddayforusa2012.  Follow my new blog address and you can also get in touch with me on Twitter @CraigMoir1 for any information you may need to educate yourself for the upcoming election for your state.  Thank you all who have visited this blog and you will see that nothing has changed but the address and format. Hope to see you there and feel free to comment one way or the other on any topics that I cover.

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