Wednesday, August 8, 2012

To My Loyal Readers...Change Is Good


 To all the readers out there who are looking for real political change and links to the truth about our politicians and their scheming ways, I ask that you continue your search for truth.  I have recently decided to change my blog address to: in order to utilize a better system of getting the pertinent information out to the citizens that are simply tired of the way our government is being run.
     Do not forget that it is imperative for us, a members of this country, to understand that WE have the power to make the change, not just the figures that are in their current roles.  This nation is built on promise and opportunity to build our individual wealth and prosper with freedoms not afforded other countries.  We need to take the vote back and rid ourselves of incumbents that are out of touch and do not necessarily vote for their constituents, but for personal gain.
     Many states have members of their House or Senate that have sat in the same seats for decades and are elected on name alone.  This is the year that we need to educate ourselves and make a difference.  Do not allow this to be a #saddayforusa2012.  Follow my new blog address and you can also get in touch with me on Twitter @CraigMoir1 for any information you may need to educate yourself for the upcoming election for your state.  Thank you all who have visited this blog and you will see that nothing has changed but the address and format. Hope to see you there and feel free to comment one way or the other on any topics that I cover.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Iowa...Do You Need a Change?

     Iowa has always been a crucial swing state for many political hopefuls.  In 2008, Barack Obama won its seven electoral votes because of steady campaigning and a heavier field organization than republican John McCain.  Also in 2008, you, as a state elected a democratic majority in your House of Representatives in order to give Obama the opportunity to thrive in the nations top seat.  What remains odd is how you also decided to re-elect incumbent GOP Charles Grassley to the Senate as well as republicans as Governor, Secretary of State and Auditor.
     In 2012, Iowa will be counted on to serve another crucial role in not only the Presidential election, but again in Congress and other lower level avenues.  Stay on the path, Iowa.  Change can not and will not happen in only four years, not after the eight year mess that our POTUS inherited.  Do not be fooled by the rhetoric, lies and innuendo that the GOP is mudslinging in various forums.  Seek the truth about all candidates involved and that path will be clearly shown to you and everyone in this country.  The first step is to register to vote and then to educate yourself so that your vote will make a difference.  This is not an appeal to only vote one way or the other.  This is a fact sharing mission to uncover the lies and falsehoods that some would have you believe.
     To register to vote in your state, you can merely go to and scroll down to register to vote.  Once that is complete, the education begins in finding out what candidates are running in your district, how they have voted in the past and their platform and views that are important to them.  The question will remain on if those views, morals and ideas coincide with your own.  There are many sites that you can go to that will leave your head spinning as to who is saying what and if there is truth to any of it.  The one site you might want to check out is as it will check and re-check ant question you ask and give you a straight answer.  This is a non-profit site that has no affiliations with one party or the other.
     Any time that you have doubts about what you are reading, always look for solid links that will show you where the information came from.  You want to know about the healthcare bill and what republicans don't want you to know about it?  Well, you can visit the actual Healthcare Law here, or you can find an easier to read version with citations that explains it all here.  You see, there is so much information in this world of technology it is very easy to just go with what you hear and not bother checking.  Did you know that Mitt Romney actually gave a PowerPoint Presentation on this very same healthcare law back in 2006?  That info was probably omitted while he has been busy trying to repeal the law republicans dub "ObamaCare."
     Your state motto,"Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain", is a clear indication that you will fight for all that is good and right for our democracy as a whole, both in state and country.  How far will you go to save your liberties and rights.  Will you take the time to vote wisely and not allow our country to be diminished by liars and thieves in our government?  Now is not the time for a republican POTUS that has only the ideals of the rich in their hearts and minds.  Be careful as you go to the polls and realize that under very little help, Barack Obama actually has done some good for this country.  You can view his list of Accomplishments since entering office, with citations of course.  Taxes under Obama right now are at a 30 year low and you might not be aware that even during Reagan's presidency unemployment was at 8.5%.
     So everything that you hear about Obama may just be Romney's smear campaign that he will never be able to back up with any proof.  Go seek the truth and find out for yourself before you vote.  This country needs your help and your vote to not allow another disgraceful man to be elected to the most powerful post in the world.  Do not allow this to be a #saddayforusa2012 as we enter the final leg towards November 6th. Register and vote with confidence for yourself, your neighbor and your country.