For many generations, American politics has been eroding before our very eyes. Republicans and Democrats seem to costantly find new areas to attack the other verbally or through the media in order to discredit the opponent in the eyes of the public. While this remains a practice that is accepted, social media has taken these words, actions, and plots to soaring heights. Politicians remain unfocused as to the idea that their jobs entail serving their constituents and the Constitution that this great country thrives upon. This is even more predominant when a story such as Jan Brewer, the Arizona Republican Governor decided to grab Democratic President Obama's arm and wag her finger in his face in a heated discussion on an Arizona tarmac.
It is disturbing that the two major parties have come to this level of disagreement on how to lead the country in these tragic times of a recession, unemployment, healthcare and various other issues that need to be addressed to move forward. Brewer, for all that she has accomplished within her state with balancing the budget and creating jobs has no right to grab anyone like a child, let alone the President of the United States. Brewer has taken civility to an all-time low and this is what will ultimately destroy our country. The very people that should be concerned with the welfare of our nation are fighting, bashing and circumventing the system in order to just prove a point and put another person down. These are the types of men and women who are running our country. Just take a good look at the GOP primaries recently and you will see backstabbing, arguing, malicious rhetoric, and personal attacks rather than debating solid, real-time issues that affect the growth of the country.
Obama did the right thing and kept his cool in a rather precarious situation with Brewer. If those roles were reversed, the calling for his dismissal, for the sole reason of him being a black man and Brewer a white woman, would have been monumental. Brewer needs to step back and re-evaluate her situation and ask herself if that is how she would teach her own children to act in that same situation. This is yet another reason why the American public needs to assess how they go about voting at all elections from local, to state, to the federal level. Voters need to take serious time and research all candidates that represent them, not just on a presidential level. In N.J. there has been talk of moving the school and local elections to November because of only a 9-13% turnout in April. That is appalling that for officials trusted in the education of our children that there is such a poor turnout.
This needs to be addressed and quickly as it's no wonder why the U.S. is ranked 23rd in the world in education. The politicians need to step up and do their civic duty and work together on an even playing field, but the public needs to vote for those that will progress their town, state, or country, not regress it because of personal gain. Let all politicians know and understand that morals, civility and progress will win come election time. Let them know that we will not stand for double standards where it is alright for one politician to grab and yell at another, let alone the leader of the country. It is troublesome to see that the lack of civility in this election year has been at an all-time high and that eventually it might even cripple the American dream. Yet there is one way to make the change--to vote with confidence and authority by doing your research and choosing the right candidate, not just the candidate who can persuade the public through countless lies and sneaky jargon.