Wednesday, July 4, 2012

America! It Is Time To Show Your Independence!

     Today is the day that our forefathers believed would live in infamy.  The day that our country was fought for, and won by us, the American people who saw an opportunity to better a life for all as individuals.  On this day, in 1776, a document written by Thomas Jefferson was adopted by our leaders as The Declaration of Independence.  This was our declaration to separate our colonies from Britain and their monarchy.  Eleven years later, our nations delegates provided a system of checks and balances in the form of a three branch government consisting of  executive, legal and legislative branches to ensure that no one person would be able to rule.  This system, while not perfect, has been the basis of our country since, and has clearly given its citizens an opportunity for freedom.  As the nation has grown, this system has given rise to many individuals vying for the same political seats with very different ideas on how this government should be enacted for the benefit of the people.
     Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party candidates, Independents, and any other political party that has surfaced are so far apart on the issues that it is almost impossible to put into place a government that has the public's interest at heart.  Who do we believe anymore?  Where is the dignity and truth that elected officials need to put forth in order for the citizens of this great country to choose the right candidate for the job?  Simply put, there is none.  Mitt Romney was the creator of the national healthcare reform that President Obama has now put into place.  Yet, because it was Obama and not himself, his platform must dispute, ridicule and delude the public into believing that it is nothing more than a tax on America.  Politicians can no longer agree even to disagree and have put themselves in the position to never get along and this is where the public must be weary.
    When you register to vote this year, and head to the polls, ask yourself these questions before you place your ballot. Has my elected representative voted on my behalf during his/her term?  Have they been truthful with the constituents on laws, referendums, and their personal history?  Does this representative or senator want to change the country or is he/she running for personal gain?  Have the representative(s) in my district simply been in their seat too long and become complacent that name recognition alone will vote them in to office?  Do your senators or representatives back your POTUS and want to help eliminate the most pressing issues that we face today (eg. deficit, unemployment, healthcare)?
     If you are the type of person that is content with the way this country is being run today, then hopefully you will look further and educate yourself BEFORE this election in November.  This may be one of the most important elections to date in this country and you are needed to cast a ballot that will determine a substantial upswing or downward spiral for this country.  Whatever state you live, you can go to your state's home page and research your representatives and senators that are up for re-election this year.  Find out how they vote for you, and if they are right for the change that is needed in this nation.  Do not let this next vote be the one that got away.  Obama needs help as a POTUS, and if Romney gets elected, he will need help as well.  The POTUS can not do it by himself.
     Do you like the fact that we have a deficit at over $16Trillion dollars, an unemployment rate over 9%, a national healthcare plan that may not be perfect, but can use someone to polish it, instead of dismantle it, and politicians that refuse to work together for you, the citizen?  Do you want this country to keep going in the wrong direction, instead of doing what our forefathers wanted us to do, and have a choice and opportunity to make a difference at the polls?  Them educate yourself and tell your local, state and federal politicians that you will no longer tolerate their falsehoods and empty promises.  Let them understand that if the newly elected officials do not work for you, the constituent, that in 2, 4 or 6 years, you will use your voice to vote them out also.  This is OUR country, and we need to take it back.  Do not let this be just another #saddayforusa2012.  Vote, America, and take back your independence from the same ones who have taken it from you; the government of the United States of America!

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