Joe Paterno, the legendary head football coach of Penn State since 1966 is in the midst of one of the worst scandals that is known to man. We all know how much of a monster Jerry Sandusky is and what he did, or allegedly did to those poor children. He will pay for those despicable sins by spending his life in prison. Joe Pa though, as well as Spanier, Shultz, Curley, McQueary, and the rest of the Penn St. officials and coaches should also be held accountable with not only their jobs, but with a full investigation into their culpability in enabling a monster to roam the campus with full priveleges. It is unthinkable that Joe had no knowledge of Sandusky's behavior as Joe IS Penn St. Anything that went on with his players, coaches or anyone in his circle, he had full disclosure. Paterno can no longer hide behind the cult fraternity that he has erected for 60 years. The trustees that are meeting today need to act swiftly and surely to destroy this cult that remained secretive and despondent to the gravest of situations that humanity can ever witness. There must be someone within this University that has a level of decency and morality left within their souls. Joe Paterno may have been a monument at Penn St. and the all-time winningest coach, but he is also every bit as despicable as Sandusky. How can this man, who has been looked at as a role model and father figure for three generations turn a blind eye to children in need of a hero? Ignorance is not an excuse anymore, Joe. Those poor children need answers to why these acts were allowed to go on for sol long. In 1998, possibly only one young boy might have been harmed, but because JoePa looked away, more unfortunately followed. Joe and his complete coaching staff need to be relieved of their duties immediately! It's time to tear down the monument that is Joe Paterno and realize the despicable fiend that he really has become.